Revelation 21:15-27

Revelation 21:15-27

In verse 15 the Angel\Christian that John is talking with has a golden measuring devise of some sort.  Whatever this rod is, it has to be quite supernatural in order to measure the whole of the city, the gates and the walls.
Verse 16 informs us what the measurements of the city are; foursquare of equal in measure.  The height is the same as the width, making the city a twelve thousand furlong cube.  Most scholars agree this number makes the city 1500 square miles. 
That is one big city.  To get a perspective of what that will look like, think of the eastern half of the United States from the eastern coast inward to the Mississippi River and from the border of Canada to the border of Mexico.
In verse 17 the Angel\Christian measured the wall at 144 cubits.  This is apparently in regard to the thickness of the wall, which would be equal to about 72 yards or 216 feet wide!
Verse 18 tells us the wall was created of Jasper which is usually just a nice gemstone.  However in the context of the New Testament, this gemstone is a high quality diamond that is clear in nature or something very close to a diamond.
The city is created out of such pure gold that it is transparent.  Apparently gold that has no impurity in it can be as clear as glass, however I find no research that points to this caliber of gold on the earth.
Verses 19-20 gives us a list of all the precious stones used to make up the foundations of the walls.  The colors would have to be something beyond our recognition.  People that have died and come back to testify say that the colors are indescribable!
In verse 21 we see massive gates.  With gates that big made out of one single pearl, can you imagine the oyster?  However since God creates all things, then it is conceivable to have a pure form of a pearl without the oyster. 
How many times have we heard about the streets of gold?  Think about it, men will kill, steal and destroy for what Heaven uses for concrete!
In verse 22 John states that he saw no Temple in Heaven.  He tells us that God and Jesus will be the Temple.  Since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth according to 1Corinthians 6:19, then it is reasonable to believe that God and Jesus will house us there since we are in Christ.
In verse 23 we see the city will apparently need no light of the sun or moon since the glory of God and of Jesus will light everything.  However, this is effecting only the city, for the sun and the moon will still be in place for the earth. This light of God shows us how dependent we will be on them and it should be that way here and now. 
Verse 24 speaks of things that will take place after The Tribulation Period, The Thousand Year Reign of Christ and The Great White Throne Judgment have been completed.  These nations are apparently those that will still be producing a population on the earth on into the eternity.  They also will enjoy the light of God when they enter the city to worship Him.  The kings and rulers of the earth will submit their personal glory to honor the glory of God. 
Creation will still be reproducing even after we as the Church are brought into our place for eternity.  How else would we be able to rule and reign with Christ for eternity if there are no others to rule or reign over?  It pays to become eternal minded.
Verse 25 tells us the gates will remain open all day, yet there will be no night.  Again a reference to God’s light keeping the city illuminated but not the earth. 
Heaven is a busy place, so the New Jerusalem will follow suit.  There will be no slothfulness or lazy people there.
In verse 26-27 everything that is considered of value, of power and any majesty will be subject to the ruler ship of the great city.  All will submit to the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.  Honor is huge in the Kingdom of Heaven and should be in the earth.
Nothing will be allowed into the city that defiles or is an abomination.  After everything is complete and new for eternity, there is a possibility that any sin that tries to pop up as it did in Lucifer (satan) would be dealt with swiftly. 
Only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be present at the inauguration of the city and have access to it.  One thing Believers have thought and maybe been taught is that our names are written in the Book of Life when we get saved.
This is really not the case for when we are born into the earth we are already in the Book, however when we come to the age of accountability and sin, are names are blotted out until we are Born Again and the sin stain or blot is removed.
So people that are born during this time will have their names in the Book at birth and as long as no iniquity is found in them, they will enjoy eternity along with us, the glorified ones!
This explains why babies and young children go to Heaven contrary to some erroneous teachings in this regard.